No âmbito da MEDICA em Dusseldorf, a European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM) organizou hoje a Conferência IMPO. Este ano a conferência foi dedicada ao tema “Prevenção como uma atividade hospitalar”.A APAH convidou o Prof. Doutor José Artur Paiva para apresentar o progresso português no combate às infecções hospitalares e resistência aos anti-microbianos. A apresentação “Prevention of healthcare associated infection and antimicrobial resistance: a new management approach” mereceu o expressivo aplauso da audiência, tendo sido solicitada a realização de uma atualização da mesma no 27.º Congresso da EAHM a realizar em Cascais no próximo ano.
José Artur Paiva é Diretor Clínico do Centro Hospitalar de São João. Professor Associado da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto. Coordenou o Programa Nacional de Prevenção e Controlo de Infecções e Resistências aos Antimicrobianos.
Aceda aqui à apresentação do Prof. Doutor José Artur Paiva.
Conferência IMPO
Prevention in healthcare exists since long but more as a side product or process of hospital care and not as a core activity of the hospital. Beginning 21st century prevention became more on the forefront together with the increased attention for quality and patient safety. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) defined patient safety as “the prevention of harm to patients”. The financial crisis has pushed also the agenda for preventing (financial) risks in health care.
The concept of preventive healthcare is growing, claiming its place aside more traditional activity spaces of the hospital, like cure & care, RD & technology, education & training…. In the United States, the Affordable Care Act has an effective preventive care plan requiring insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid to provide preventive care services for free. In Europe, the initiatives on hospital level have until now been limited and fragmented.
Being concerned with the hospital of the future, the EAHM wants to push the agenda forward with this conference and other activities towards an integrated approach on prevention, based on the IMPO-model and the activity spaces of hospitals, focusing on the impact of prevention on the outcomes and processes of the hospital as well as on the necessarily necessary inputs and steering, supporting and guiding the appropriate implementation of prevention with the hospital.
During this conference, participants will learn about deployment and integration of tools, and techniques in the context of prevention. Advanced initiatives including the management perspective will be presented, stressing the preventive role of the hospital, embedded in a regional approach as well as contributing to the health care systems.
This conference will show that prevention deserves a more prominent place in the activity of the hospital. Furthermore prevention contributes better in the outcomes of the hospital and the health care system when supported by a managerial, integrated and networked approach.